2025/2026 Draft Annual Plan
What is the Annual Plan?
Annual plans give us the opportunity to refresh information and budgets for the coming year and include the setting of rates. Annual plans are produced for the years between long term plans.
Why can Councils choose not to consult on annual plans?
A series of amendments were made to the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act) in 2014 to encourage new ways of consulting and communicating with the community and focus on the major matters.
One of these amendments removed the requirement for councils to formally consult “if there are no significant or material differences to the content of the long-term plan”. This now makes formal consultation on proposed annual plans exceptions based.
An annual plan that includes an overview of any minor changes in costs (along with all other information required under Part 2 of Schedule 10 of the Act) must still be prepared and adopted by council resolution before 30 June.
How do we determine what’s significant?
Section 95 of the Local Government Act 2002 sets out the requirements for consultation on an Annual Plan.
The Council is required to have a significance and engagement policy under Section 76AA of the Local Government Act 2002. The Policy is reviewed every three years as part of long-term plans.
Significance is more than a financial impact and often items with low value but that have high public interest can be significant.
Significance is ultimately determined by the elected members – read our Significance and Engagement Policy on our website (Significance and Engagement Policy)
How else can I give feedback throughout the year?
Engaging with our community happens all year round, not just when it comes time for the Annual Plan process.
Ongoing feedback channels for our community continue to be available, such as online through Your Place, as part of engagement opportunities on individual projects as they progress, contacting Elected Members, the Chief Executive or coming to speak at public forums.